Lou - Overcome Digital Exclusion

Written by Kirsty Rourke

This member attends our women's Thursday group. Lou, has attended the group almost every week for past 6/9 months. She is into art, gardening and will give anything a good go. Lou has a communication barrier but this doesn’t stop her winning in life. To communicate she uses sign language. Lou has large family ,6 siblings plus loads or nephews and nieces that all live together.

A Digital Inclusion Project came as a opportunity for members to get involved in. I do see this area as a barrier for our community as there a few obstacle in the way that makes the community isolated from the world of digital. Barriers in the way are things like low income, low literacy, large families, travelling around a lot and little confidence and lack of knowledge.

The digital project would happen every Tuesday 10-12 starting off with Train the Trainer for staff then a Digital drop in Tuesday 10-12 for members to attend. I didn’t know if it was going to really well or completely the other way. It was a success altogether we had 4 members sign up as volunteers across West Yorkshire. Devices, MiFi boxes have been distributed to families who were a priority and feedback from members are really positive and particular knowing that we have supported 3 families with additional needs makes it a successful project.

Attending the Digital drop-in session and having access to IT Equipment on loan has helped Lou she has learned new ways to communicate with family and friends through email. This is something she hasn’t used in the past. Living in a large family has been a barrier to not having her own device, everything in the past has been shared due to lack of funds & knowledge on how to stay safe. Now, Lou is accessing emails, she can communicate this way with relatives and friends that she knows and family know she has basic understanding of staying safe online.

This opportunity coming around and Lou getting involved has helped with mental health, breaking down barriers of isolation, built confidence, maintaining relationships, helped with independence & better knowledge in the IT world.

Leeds GATE Values run side by side in all our work but one of Leeds GATE values I feel is used religiously here is- Leeds GATE believes everyone is equal and can be included. This story shows what work happens at Leeds GATE no matter your situation you can be included, things can be adapted.

Everyone is important and your voice counts, we will tackle barriers to support and help in whatever way we can to get to where our members would like to be, so that they feel achievement in their own individual journeys. Our members are the stars of our show.

lily buxton